Full-Scale Kitchen Modification on Display at Shepherd Center’s Annual Vendor/Partnership Fair

Friday, October 13th, 2023

From the left: ATF Medical’s President and CEO Sid Glover, Territory Manager Curt Moreen, ATP, CRTS, Karissa Watson, CAPS, CEAC, our Manager of the Adaptive Housing Solutions team, and Rick Wyche, ATP, CEAC, our Executive Director of Business Development.

ATF Medical has partnered with the amazing team at Atlanta’s Shepherd Center for over 15 years.  So when Shepherd invited us to participate in its annual Vendor/Partner fair, we wanted to do something special to showcase our adaptive housing services.

two men building the frame for a kitchen dispaly

Our President & CEO Sid Glover, ATP, CRTS, CAPS, ECHM took charge of the project.  He considered and decided against several options before deciding to replicate a real kitchen mod. He sourced, purchased, and even helped assemble a full-scale home modification display.


The kitchen cabinets and appliances are positioned for an injured worker who uses complex mobility equipment. This life-sized exhibit allows our clinical partners, clients, and injured workers to truly experience how a kitchen modification can positively impact patient outcomes!

To receive maximum value from our services, client partners collaborate with our adaptive housing AND complex rehab teams.  This way, injured workers obtain the equipment and the modifications that set them up to achieve the highest levels of independence and functionality.  And payers receive cost-effective solutions.